Make a gift to support ‘Safe Bridge Of Help’

Help us
change lives

We will make every dollar you give count and ensure that your support is reaching the right hands!

What your donation will do

Education Initiatives

Establishing and equipping Information Technology Centers in schools; providing educational resources, materials, and scholarships; conducting training programs and workshops for students and educators

Healthcare Support

Procuring and distributing essential medical supplies to hospitals and communities; funding medical outreach programs, clinics, and health awareness campaigns; addressing specific healthcare needs in targeted regions

Technology Access

Expanding access to technology in remote areas through innovative solutions; investing in digital literacy programs and initiatives; bridging the digital divide to enhance educational opportunities

Awareness and Outreach

Conducting awareness campaigns on critical issues affecting communities; Engaging in outreach programs to connect with individuals in need; Utilizing funds for effective communication and advocacy efforts

Volunteer Support

Providing training and resources for volunteers to enhance their impact; Supporting volunteer-driven initiatives that align with our mission; Recognizing and appreciating the dedication of our volunteer community


To donate, please click the button below.


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If you would like to see your gift in action or have any other questions,
please contact us at 225-756-6290 or

In-kind donations

We appreciate support and donations of all kinds

Your support in kind can unlock opportunities and transform lives.  contributing essential items that directly impact education, healthcare, and community development.

To find out more information about in-kind donations please contact us at

“I thank Safe Bridge Help for bringing me this gift. For me it is very wonderful...May God protect them and may they always have some.”